Layanan Teknik dan Konstruksi

PT Permata Gunung Putra

Kami menyediakan solusi teknik dan konstruksi yang aman dan efisien untuk berbagai proyek industri.

Pipeline Engineering

Sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan dan definisi proyek, berbagai jenis baja karbon dan stainless digunakan. PT Permata Gunung Putra menyediakan layanan konstruksi pabrik lengkap, termasuk pengembangan pengukuran, gambar isometrik, perencanaan perakitan, manajemen lokasi, prefabrikasi pipa, instalasi, pengujian kebocoran dan tekanan, serta dokumentasi di lokasi. Proses pre-assembly dan persetujuan layanan dapat dilakukan di lokasi produksi sebelum pipa dibongkar menjadi modul dan disiapkan untuk transportasi, biasanya dalam unit transportasi yang sesuai.

Konstruksi Sipil

PT Permata Gunung Putra menyediakan layanan desain dan konstruksi teknik sipil untuk berbagai industri, didukung oleh tim insinyur sipil berpengalaman. Layanan utama kami meliputi solusi gambar konstruksi untuk analisis, perencanaan, dan eksekusi proyek, desain dan drafting MEP (mekanikal, elektrikal, dan perpipaan) dari konsep hingga analisis detail, serta dukungan untuk kontraktor guna mempercepat penyelesaian proyek sipil tanpa melebihi anggaran.

A worker is engaged in welding a large metal pipeline. The pipeline is situated in a trench lined with earth and concrete. The worker is wearing protective gear, including a hood and gloves, and is using welding equipment that emits a bright blue light. Various cables and pipes are positioned around the trench.
A worker is engaged in welding a large metal pipeline. The pipeline is situated in a trench lined with earth and concrete. The worker is wearing protective gear, including a hood and gloves, and is using welding equipment that emits a bright blue light. Various cables and pipes are positioned around the trench.
A black-and-white image of an industrial construction site featuring large horizontal pipes and intricate scaffolding structures. The perspective is from above, highlighting the complexity and scale of the construction work in progress. The lighting creates strong contrasts, adding depth and an architectural focus.
A black-and-white image of an industrial construction site featuring large horizontal pipes and intricate scaffolding structures. The perspective is from above, highlighting the complexity and scale of the construction work in progress. The lighting creates strong contrasts, adding depth and an architectural focus.
Maintenance & Labour Supply

PT Permata Gunung Putra berkomitmen memberikan layanan berkualitas dalam Maintenance dan Labour Supply untuk mendukung penyelesaian proyek tepat waktu dan sesuai anggaran. Tim insinyur kami mengutamakan penerapan ide-ide inovatif, kreatif, serta keahlian konstruksi guna menghasilkan desain yang mengedepankan keselamatan dan praktik teknik terbaik. Kami percaya pentingnya fokus pada integritas struktural sekaligus efisiensi biaya untuk mendukung keberhasilan setiap proyek.


PT Permata Gunung Putra menyediakan layanan scaffolding berkualitas tinggi untuk berbagai industri, seperti pembangkit listrik, kilang, dan manufaktur. Kami menawarkan penyewaan, pemasangan, hingga pembongkaran scaffolding dengan material heavy-duty yang memenuhi standar keselamatan tinggi. Layanan ini juga dapat dikombinasikan dengan konstruksi sipil dan perpipaan, memastikan solusi yang aman, ekonomis, dan efisien.

A construction site featuring extensive scaffolding arranged around concrete columns. Construction materials, including large rolls and planks, are scattered on the ground. There are several layers of metal pipes forming a complex network of support structures. The area is partially enclosed, with sunlight streaming through, highlighting the details of the scaffolding. Graffiti is visible on one of the concrete columns.
A construction site featuring extensive scaffolding arranged around concrete columns. Construction materials, including large rolls and planks, are scattered on the ground. There are several layers of metal pipes forming a complex network of support structures. The area is partially enclosed, with sunlight streaming through, highlighting the details of the scaffolding. Graffiti is visible on one of the concrete columns.

Pengalaman project kami

Kami menyediakan teknik, konstruksi, dan pemeliharaan untuk berbagai proyek industri dengan pengalaman kami.

Pipeline Project
A worker is engaged in welding a large metal pipeline. The pipeline is situated in a trench lined with earth and concrete. The worker is wearing protective gear, including a hood and gloves, and is using welding equipment that emits a bright blue light. Various cables and pipes are positioned around the trench.
A worker is engaged in welding a large metal pipeline. The pipeline is situated in a trench lined with earth and concrete. The worker is wearing protective gear, including a hood and gloves, and is using welding equipment that emits a bright blue light. Various cables and pipes are positioned around the trench.

Prefabrikasi, instalasi, dan pengujian sistem pipa untuk kebutuhan industri Anda.

A black-and-white image of an industrial construction site featuring large horizontal pipes and intricate scaffolding structures. The perspective is from above, highlighting the complexity and scale of the construction work in progress. The lighting creates strong contrasts, adding depth and an architectural focus.
A black-and-white image of an industrial construction site featuring large horizontal pipes and intricate scaffolding structures. The perspective is from above, highlighting the complexity and scale of the construction work in progress. The lighting creates strong contrasts, adding depth and an architectural focus.
A construction site featuring extensive scaffolding arranged around concrete columns. Construction materials, including large rolls and planks, are scattered on the ground. There are several layers of metal pipes forming a complex network of support structures. The area is partially enclosed, with sunlight streaming through, highlighting the details of the scaffolding. Graffiti is visible on one of the concrete columns.
A construction site featuring extensive scaffolding arranged around concrete columns. Construction materials, including large rolls and planks, are scattered on the ground. There are several layers of metal pipes forming a complex network of support structures. The area is partially enclosed, with sunlight streaming through, highlighting the details of the scaffolding. Graffiti is visible on one of the concrete columns.
Konstruksi Sipil

Desain dan pengembangan sistem mekanikal serta elektrikal untuk proyek konstruksi yang aman.

Tenaga Kerja Profesional

Menyediakan tenaga kerja terampil untuk mendukung berbagai proyek industri secara efisien.

Proyek Konstruksi

Kami menyediakan layanan teknik dan konstruksi untuk berbagai proyek.

A construction site with large orange pipes and metal barriers. A person in a high-visibility vest is sitting near a trench, surrounded by construction equipment. Excavators and other machinery parts are present, and the ground is partially dug up with visible rubble.
A construction site with large orange pipes and metal barriers. A person in a high-visibility vest is sitting near a trench, surrounded by construction equipment. Excavators and other machinery parts are present, and the ground is partially dug up with visible rubble.

PT Permata Gunung Putra adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan teknik dan konstruksi untuk berbagai proyek di berbagai industri. Dengan dukungan tim profesional berpengalaman, kami menawarkan solusi menyeluruh mulai dari desain, perencanaan, hingga eksekusi proyek, termasuk konstruksi sipil, perpipaan, scaffolding, maintenance, dan penyediaan tenaga kerja. Komitmen kami adalah memberikan hasil yang berkualitas tinggi, aman, efisien, dan tepat waktu sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran pelanggan.

An industrial scene with large pipelines running through a forested area. The pipes extend into the distance surrounded by lush trees in autumn with shades of yellow, orange, and green. The setting is outdoors, with a clear contrast between the engineered structures and the natural environment.
An industrial scene with large pipelines running through a forested area. The pipes extend into the distance surrounded by lush trees in autumn with shades of yellow, orange, and green. The setting is outdoors, with a clear contrast between the engineered structures and the natural environment.
Tenaga Kerja

PT Permata Gunung Putra menyediakan tenaga kerja profesional yang terlatih untuk mendukung berbagai proyek industri dengan standar keselamatan tinggi. Kami berkomitmen untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja yang andal dan berkualitas, sehingga memastikan setiap proyek berjalan secara efisien, aman, dan sesuai dengan target waktu serta anggaran yang ditetapkan.